Congratulations Valerie Best has been appointed NAFAS WAFA Coordinater from NIGFAS Executive Committee and Nnigfas WAFA Rep Phyllis Boyd

Photo Galleries of Our Past Events

Click on the Albums below to see the Full Gallery
WAFA 11TH World Show Barbados
Joan Lockhart with her Honorary Exhibit representing NIGFAS. George Madden exhibit received 3rd place and Ann Traynor received Commennded
NIGFAS on Tour in Barbados with the late Rev Mac in the photos

WAFA 12th World Show Dublin Ireland Nothern Ireland
Honorary Exhibit James Burnside
The other Exhibits were by NIGFAS Members who attended the Show

WAFA 13th World Show Jaipur India
Also attending the World Show from NIGFAS was Joan Magee NationaL Judge and
Margaret Abernathy as WAFA Chairman of NIGFAS
NIGFAS Honorary Exhibit by Sandra Abbott

1st Class C1 Broken Lines by Sandra Abbott & Mindy Carruthers Best Imposed

Presentation of Awards to Sandra Abbott and Mindy Carruthers for Best Imposed Broken Lines

George Madden NIGFAS India World Show Title Let it Spin

Johann Henderson NIGFAS India World Show
Title Uprooted Tossed and Turned

Karen Frew NIGFAS India World Show
Title Uprooted, Tossed and Turned

Maureen Mulligan NIGFAS India World Show
Title Uprooted, Tossed and Turned

Some of the NIGFAS Members who attended India World Show

WAFA World Show Dublin Ireland 2014
Each Countries Honorary Exhibits