Training and Education
JDS&E Association
Chairman- Mrs Heather Hume
The Duties and Responsibilities of the JDS&E Chairman are:
- Chair JDSE Committee meetings
- Attend Area Executive Meetings and give an up to date report on the work of the JDS&E
- Attend Area Council Meetings and give a detailed report to Council members
- Notify the Area Representatives of date, time and venue of Council Meetings
- Chair JDSE events
- Attend NIGFAS Area Day and any other events organised by NIGFAS
- Attend NIGFAS AGM and give a detailed report of the work of the JDS&E since the previous NIGFAS AGM. Set up a JDS&E table
- Liaise with the Treasurer and Secretary
- Liaise with the Area Judges, Demonstrators, Speakers and Education Representatives on all issues including Budgets and Tests
- Attend Area Tests and support Training Sessions and Refresher Courses
- Organise Workshops and be available to entertain Tutors etc
- Compile a report for each edition of the NIGFAS Newsletter
- Promote JDSE and encourage members to join
- Be a good Ambassador for NIGFAS, NAFAS and WAFA
Judges Representative – Joan Magee
contacted on Tel No 02844830203 or email:
Demonstrators Representative – James Burnside
Tel 07713851936 or email:
Speakers Representative – Alan Beatty
Tel 07713851777 or email:
Education Representative – Shirley Moore
Tel 07732402277 or email
JDS&E SECRETARY - Aine Mc Guinness
The Duties and Responsibilities of the Area Representatives are:
· To act as a liaison between members of NIGFAS and their respective National Committees
· To attend Representative Days as and when arranged by the National Committees or find a suitable replacement if unable to attend
· To attend, if possible, National Symposiums and to promote these within NIGFAS and actively encourage members to attend
· To keep up to date with new developments and trends in their respective disciplines
· To organise Area Refresher days
· To compile and keep up to date lists of Area qualified members
· To encourage NIGFAS members to undergo training for Judging, Demonstrating, Speaking and Teaching
· To organise and carry through Area Tests
· To be good Ambassadors for NIGFAS, NAFAS and WAFA
Congratulations to Cherie Nummy on passing her National Demonstrator's Test on Wednesday
from Chairman of NIGFAS Marretta Coleman and the Executive Committee. Best wishes for the future.
I am delighted to announce that we have 6 new NIGFAS Demonstrators .
Aine Mc Guinness - Lurgan & District Flower Arrangement Society
Colleen Hamill - Ballymena Floral Art Group
Edel Michael - Mid Ulster Floral Art Society
Elaine Taylor - Lower Bann Floral Art Society
John Paul Deehan - Londonderry & District Floral Art Society
Marie Cairns - Armagh & District Floral Art Society
Congratulations to all our new demonstrators from Marretta Coleman Chairman NIGFAS and The Executive Committee.
Can we ask that as they step out on their new roles as demonstrators that all 21 NIGFAS Clubs will take note of their names and invite them to join you at your club meetings in person or zoom to showcase their talent as Demonstrators.
They will be great ambassadors for NIGFAS
First picture James Burnside JDS&E Speakers Rep with Cherie Nummy Demonstrators Rep
candidates left to right Elaine Taylor, Marie Cairns, John Paul Deehan, Edel Michael
Front row Colleen Hamill and Aine Mc Guiness
Second Picture left to right Winifred Gribbon Chairman JDS&E, NIGFAS Chairman Marretta Coleman, James Burnside JDS&E Speakers Rep, Cherie Nummy JDS&E Demonstrators Rep
Front row Lilias Hoskins and Margaret Rumens NAFAS Adjudicators
First picture James Burnside JDS&E Speakers Rep with Cherie Nummy Demonstrators Rep
Candidates left to right Elaine Taylor, Marie Cairns, John Paul Deehan, Edel Michael
Front row Colleen Hamill and Aine Mc Guiness
Second Picture left to right Winifred Gribbon Chairman JDS&E, NIGFAS Chairman Marretta Coleman, James Burnside JDS&E Speakers Rep, Cherie Nummy JDS&E Demonstrators Rep
Front row Margaret Rumens and Lilas Hoskins NAFAS Adjudicators
Time sees great change everywhere, ideas, opinions, technology, and economics all leave a mark. NAFAS has changed over its 60 plus years and will continue to in order to become relevant and attract more members.
Time, however, does not change the basis of the Elements and Principles we use in flower arranging as Pam Bluer, past Chairman of the National Education Committee mentions in the first edition of this book, that knowledge is essential.
We are delighted to be republishing this popular book, in which the understanding and meaning of contemporary floral design is relevant to the here and now.
Visit our website for more information
Photo Galleries of Our Past Events