News and Updates

Competition Results from Zoom into Bloom Afternoon
Judged by NAFAS National Judge Pip Bensley
Overall Title "Flamboyance"
Open Class Fantasia

Johann Henderson
Holywood Floral Art.

Kathleen Barrett
Independent Member
Competition Results from Zoom into Bloom Afternoon
Judged by NAFAS National Judge Pip Bensley
Intermediate Class ( A Landscape)

Competition Results from Zoom into Bloom Afternoon
Judged by NAFAS National Judge Pip Bensley
Novice Class Flamboyance

Congratulations to Cherie Nummy on passing her National Demonstrator's Test on Wednesday
from Chairman of NIGFAS Marretta Coleman and the Executive Committee. Best wishes for the future.

Erne Flower Arrangement Society Some photos from our first club night on 6th September.
A big thank you to Martina our demonstrator, and to all of our members who returned.
There was lots of space for everyone which we were delighted about.

Bangor Flower Club First Meeting
New Area Demonstrator Elaine Taylor Lower Bann Floral Art Society with her Title "Foraging and Footering"

Inspirations floral Art Group enjoying our 1st face to face meeting..
land art at the beautiful national Trust Gardens @ Bishops gate..

Antrim Floral Art Society first face to face meeting with
Newly appointed Area Demonstrator Colleen Hamill

Londonderry & District Floral Art Society

Chairman's National Challenge September " Back to School "
Entries to be sent by 12 Midnight 25th September to
Elaine Taylor Competitions secretary Email

Demonstrators Test
21st August 2021
Killead Hall Antrim
These are the designs created by the trainee demonstrators for their Demonstrators Test

Demonstrators Test
Saturday 21st August 2021
Killead Hall Antrim
I am delighted to announce that we have 6 new NIGFAS Demonstrators .
Aine Mc Guinness - Lurgan & District Flower Arrangement Society
Colleen Hamill - Ballymena Floral Art Group
Edel Michael - Mid Ulster Floral Art Society
Elaine Taylor - Lower Bann Floral Art Society
John Paul Deehan - Londonderry & District Floral Art Society
Marie Cairns - Armagh & District Floral Art Society
Congratulations to all our new demonstrators from Marretta Coleman Chairman NIGFAS and The Executive Committee.
Can we ask that as they step out on their new roles as demonstrators that all 21 NIGFAS Clubs will take note of their names and invite them to join you at your club meetings in person or zoom to showcase their talent as Demonstrators.
They will be great ambassadors for NIGFAS
As demonstrators rep I would like to thank the new demonstrators for all their hard work
and wish them every success as they begin their demonstrating
journey the opportunities are endless enjoy every minute.
Cherie Nummy JDS&E Demonstrator Rep
First picture James Burnside JDS&E Speakers Rep with Cherie Nummy Demonstrators Rep
Candidates left to right Elaine Taylor, Marie Cairns, John Paul Deehan, Edel Michael
Front row Colleen Hamill and Aine Mc Guiness
Second Picture left to right Winifred Gribbon Chairman JDS&E, NIGFAS Chairman Marretta Coleman, James Burnside JDS&E Speakers Rep, Cherie Nummy JDS&E Demonstrators Rep
Front row Lilias Hoskins and Margaret Rumens NAFAS Adjudicators

Julie Carlisle from Ballymena Floral Art Group will represent NIGFAS in
The July Chairman's National Challenge

August Chairman's Challenge Title "A picnic on the Beach"
Please send all entries to Competition Secetary Elaine Taylor
Email: by 25th August, 12 midnight
Due to the ongoing health pandemic it has been decided that the NIGFAS AGM will be held via Zoom.
Your Club Chairmen will have all the relevant information about this event by Thursday 5th August 2021.
Please noteAGM Attendance is for NIGFAS Members only (unless invited by NIGFAS Executive Committee)
Competition in associationwith our Zoom AGM
Please ensure all entries are with our Competition Secretary Elaine Taylor by 10th September 2021-12 midnight
Email :
Please Note Competition is Only Open for NIGFAS Members

This is a Thank you from our NIGFAS President Liz Manning to The Inspirations ( Contemporary Flower Group)
Earlier in the year I got an invite to the virtual celebrations for Inspirations 25th Anniversary and with the invite was a packet of 6 in 1 seeds. Seeds were sown and this is the results - cornflowers, gypsophila, candyduff, pot marigold and love in the mist. Thank you Inspirations. I am surprised they did so well in the heat over the last few weeks
Liz Manning
NIGFAS President

The Autumn Flower Arranger Magazine is now available and hopefully you will receive your copy soon.
There is a 2 page article on our Daffodil Tea Day with lots of photos and information of the Day.
Unfortunately this Poem was written by our President Liz Manning and was unable to be published with the article due to insufficient space.
Thank you Liz this tells the events very accurately
Daffodil Tea - Virtually Of Course
By Liz Manning NIGFAS President
How things have changed, it's all so strange,
What can we do for the members of our clubs?
No face to face, no big events, club meetings on hold and flower friends missed,
Facebook info isn't quite the same.
"I know" Marretta our Chairman said,
"What about a Daffodil Tea - Virtual of course!!
We've done the zoom committee meetings, we've managed our zoom Council meetings, sure
If we get 100 members to join won't that be fun"
So plans were made, a date set, competitions decided on, demonstrator booked, invite to the NAFAS Chairman, clubs informed,
All done "Virtually of course"!
And just to add more interest, we will get our Media Officer Bernie to launch our new website.
Stress levels rose as the numbers climbed, passed 100 and counting.
More Zoom committee meetings sorted things out.
How would we get all the IT sorted?
Peter, NAFAS Director to the rescue - Weren't we glad to have him on board.
Competition entries were photographed and off to Susan our Judge they went- virtually of course.
We reorganised our demonstrators kitchen, tested sound, ran through everything one more time and prayed that we would get everyone logged on
Daffodil Tea Day arrived, now just 214 signed up to join- it was a slow start letting people in,
But once they entered "Oh boy the noise", so happy to chat to friends they hadn't seen for so long.
Our NAFAS Chairman Katherine Kerr spoke of Spring, and put us in a hopeful mood.
Afternoon tea- tables all in their glory(set the night before) and competition presentation- virtually of course.
And then "What a thrill" a stunning demonstration and great chat.
Demonstrator Roberta Orr so relaxed in her kitchen-virtually of course
Zoom chat was discovered, and info was relayed launched lovely informal atmosphere arose- questions answered, tips given all the while members enjoying their tea.
Bernie launched the website- What a triumph and relief, suitably toasted with a glass of champagne.
Please look us up we think it's great, a lot of hard work but worth it in the end.
Another poem from Katherine Kerr and somewhere along the line Peter left us his "Covid Jag" to get.
Lots of thanks to so many people and what an absolutely fabulous day we had-" VIRTUALLY OF COURSE"
The buzz, wonderful comments, we're all on a high and thankful our Chairman pushed us to try
Only one problem, time to think
Executive committee-
Now What's next?
Winner of the June National Chairman's Challenge

June Challenge Title "Wedding Times " Jackie Catherwood From Comber Flower Club represented NIGFAS

July Chairman's Challenge
Title " Happy Holidays" all entries to the Competition Secretary Elaine Taylor by 25th July 2021- 12 midnight

First Place in the National Chairman's Challenge NAFAS
Irene Hickson Dorset and Guernsey

Winner of The May National Challenge representing NIGFAS IS
Colleen Hamill Ballymena floral Art Society
Congratulations Colleen was awarded 2nd Prize in the NAFAS Competition for May gaining NIGFAS ANOTHER 2 POINTS

Another wonderful evening on zoom at Antrim Floral Art Club. Elaine Taylor demonstrated beautiful arrangements and left us feeling inspiredto think outside the box.I particularly liked the arrangement with paper used as a mechanic so inspiring

NIGFAS Newsletter
Due to circumstances beyond our control the Newsletter due for this quarter is running late.
As soon as we receive it from the printers it will be delivered to each club

National Flower Arranging Day Friday 7th May 2021
These are some images that have been sent in by NIGFAS Members for National Flower Arranging Day.
If you have completed an exhibit send your photographs to
Marretta Coleman
Chairman NIGFAS
Antrim Floral Art Society

Liz Manning
President NIGFAS
Londonderry Floral Art Society

Ann Jack
Mid Ulster Floral Art Society

Colleen Hamill
Ballymena Floral Art Group

Elaine Taylor
Lower Bann Floral Art Society /Inspirations

Katie McLean
Greenisland Flower Arranging Society

Gladys Smith
Ballymena Floral Art Group/ Inspirations

Johann Henderson
Holywood Floral Art Society/ Inspirations

Maureen Mulligan
Holywood Floral Art Group /Inspirations

Phyllis Boyd
Greenisland Flower Arrangement Society

Susan Turley
Newry & District Floral Art Group

Winifred Gribbon
Mid - Ulster Floral Art Society

Joan Lockhart
Ballymecash Flower Club / Inspirations

Patricia Leahey
Holywood Floral Art Society / Inspirations

Sandra Abbott
Belfast Floral Art Society / Inspirations

Shirley Moore
Belfast Floral Art Society/

Kim Nguyuen
Comber Flower Club

Irene Boggs
Londonderry & District floral Art Society

Sharon Wilson
Greenisland Flower Arrangement Society

Suzanne Martins
Holywood Floral Art Society/ Inspirations

Poem By Phyllis Boyd
For social Evening on Zoom with NIGFAS Chairmen, Vice Chairmen and Executive Committee
An Ode to Chairs & Vice Chairs
(With apologies to Nat. Chair Katherine Kear )
I have some final thoughts to share,
this tale it won't take long.
It's all about our guests tonight
those who have managed to log on.
Chairmen or Chair
whatever you prefer to be called,
you're not inanimate objects,
but then very few are men.
The task you do is voluntary
an honour and a joy,
on the other hand there are times
when a PA you could employ.
Club members do look up to you
they hang on every word.
But you wonder if they often forget
When they go out the door.
You keep your Committee under control
a task which takes some doing
as the local gossip can seem more fun
than keeping the Agenda moving.
All that and then came lockdown
to mix into the brew.
Your 'techie' hats you had to wear
and train yourself anew.
Leadership was delivered by the Zoom,
AGM'S, celebrations didn't take place.
A further year was added to your term
It all went past in a haze.
You've managed so well, Club has gelled
as it's now more than ever a team
Computers have given our Flower Clubs
a brand new head of steam.
NAFAS has had its troubles
and NIGFAS wants to move on.
There's been lots of support for the Area Chair
to pass on whenever she can.
Now Chairmen, your stint does come to an end,
Before you know it, someone else is due
to continuing to promote your Flower Club,
to them we say, 'no more VICE for you!'
Leaders, clubs, Demonstrators, Judges and Speakers
your achievements have been many,
we can all while away an hour or two
and look them up online.
Delivering magazines, Newsletters and the like
have tested, but not beaten one.
We're all in this together
so thank you for all you have done.
Poem By Jean Bruce
As a Thank you to Phyllis Boyd and Executive Committee
Hi Phyllis, thank you very much
For your fun meeting last night
It was good to all get together
Though technology isn't always right.
Distance learning is the way to go
That's what the experts say
Nowadays our meetings are held
On Zoom. It's the only way
So we came from all around the place
From Londonderry to Down
Ladies and gents from NIGFAS
Without so much of a frown.
There was Leslie there from Bangor
And Brian from Ballymacash
With our lovely long white hair
The rest of us really cut a dash.
Your wee competitions
Challenged us and made us think
The baby photographs were wonderful
Time passes in a blink.
We've heard it say it's good to talk
Last night proved that well
For all our NIGFAS flower clubs
Really are doing swell.
So Phyllis, Congratulations
And the Executive Committee too
NIGFAS is alive and well
So Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Jean B Londonderry
Congratulations NIGFAS
As you will all know by now the results of the NAFAS Virtual Show Competition have been released and on behalf of NIGFAS
I would like to Thank all those members who entered the Competition, it is lovely to see members taking up the opportunities that is open to us through Zoom and I look forward to seeing many more taking up these opportunities.
Congratulations to the following members who received awards.
Elaine Taylor - Chairman of Inspirations and a member of Lower Bann Floral Art Society received a 1st for her design in Class 2,and Commended for her design in Class 10.
Marion Magee - Chairman of Armagh & District Floral Art Society received a Highly Commended for her design in Class 4.
James Burnside - member of Mid Ulster Floral Art Society received a Highly Commended for his design in Class 7 and Commended for his design in Class 9.
We also have to Congratulate Joan Magee, Arbitrator and her team of Judges from NIGFAS - Alan Beatty, Assistant Arbitrator,
Karen Frew, Heather Hume and Cherie Nummy Judges, and James Burnside reserve judge and Thank them for all the hard work they had with
judging a Zoom Competition.
NIGFAS has been well represented at this event and they certainly have kept the Area to the front within NAFAS.
Marretta Coleman
NIGFAS Chairman.
Yours in Friendship and Flowers

These are the results for
The NAFAS National Virtual Spring Show
The Video for all the Winners , Highly Commended and Commended can be viewed on our Video Page along with all the other Videos recorded during the Spring Show

Ballymecash Flower Club
Held their Zoom meeting for their Club on 15th March 2021. There were 36 members in attendance
Denonstrator for the evening was Roberta Orr

Ballymena Floral Art Society
Held their Zoom club meeting on Tuesday 16th March 2021
Demonstrator for the evening was Julie Carlisle

A few photos of Inspirations Contemporary Floral Art Group embracing Zoom, club members have been doing micro teach sessions, stimulating new ideas and keeping member participating in all aspects of floral Art.
January session with Mary Pearson 1st & 2nd photos
February session with Johann Henderson 3rd and 4th photo
Thank you to Elaine Taylor chairman of Inspirations for sharing the clubs exhibits

Coronavirus Northern Ireland
The Website with all the latest updates for Northern Ireland
Saint Patrick's Day exhibits
People's choice awards
The votes have been counted and checked and include our new voting system on the
New NIGFAS Website page and the votes from the Facebook page
These are the Winners
1st place Exhibit 9 Londonderry and District Floral Art Society
2nd place Exhibit 12 Newry and District Floral Art Society
3rd place exhibit 2 Armagh and District Floral Art Group
4th exhibit 10 Lower Bann Floral Art Society
1st Place Londonderry and District Floral Art Society

2nd Newry and District Floral Art Society

3rd Armagh and District Floral Art Group

4th Lower Bann Floral Art Society

National Flower Arranging Day Friday 7th May 2021
This year, instead of handing out flowers to celebrate the event and to fit in with current guidelines, flower club members around the country will be using their homes to firstly mark the day but also more importantly to give a little cheer and sign of hope. They will also be building on the successful floral Rings of Hope that were hung on front doors last summer in support of the NHS. If you have a flower club near you look out for something floral on a front door, front gate, front fence etc. Distinctive flyers will be attached to the flowers giving details of the Association.
To download a copy of the flyer please click on the following link

March Chairman's Challenge
Title A Spring Bonnett
You have 5 days left to enter thre Competition
Please send your entries to

NAFAS April Spring Virtual Show
The Spring ……The Happy Time of Singing Birds is Come
The April Virtual Show is nearly upon us. Included hereunder is a breakdown of dates and times for viewing everything. Look out for a taster on YouTube from March 28th to whet the appetite!
On YouTube:
1st video (Demonstrator: Angela Turner – Where Flowers Bloom, So Does Hope) uploaded on Monday 5th April
2nd (Speaker: Susan Shaw – You Are Never Too Old!) uploaded on Wednesday 7th April
3rd (Education: Susie Barwick – How to Make a Wall Hanging Design) uploaded on Friday 9th April
4th (Demonstrator: Nick Grounds – Renewal, Rebirth, Recycle) uploaded on Monday 12th April
5th (Speaker: Rita Braithwaite – Drawn to Nature) uploaded on Wednesday 14th April
6th (Education: Jane Rickard – How to Make a Washi Paper Ring) uploaded on Friday 16th April
7th (Demonstrator: David Ryland – Awakening) uploaded on Monday 19th April
8th (Speaker: Simone Squire – Pass Me That Bulb) uploaded on Wednesday 21st April
9th (Education: Sharon Dower – Ideas Using Copper Wire Mesh) uploaded on Friday 23rd April
Competition – “Springtime”
Video of winning competition images uploaded on Monday 26th April. All other competition entries will be viewable on Facebook from the same date
NIGFAS Afternoon Tea
Roberta Orr Area Demonstrator
Fantastic Afternoon with the beautiful Exhibits that Roberta produced on the Afternoon Zoom

NIGFAS Afternoon Tea on Zoom 6th March 2021
Screenshots taken Yesterday
National Chairman Katherine Kear was present for her first Offical Outing
Peter Mathers NAFAS Board of Directors North East Area
Marretta Coleman Chairman of Nigfas
Phyllis Boyd 1st Vice Chairman NIGFAS
Roberta Orr Area Demonstrator for the Afternoon Tea